The Black Wall St. Mentorship Program 

The Black Wall St. Mentorship program; mentors and invest in businesses of color to help bridge the economic gap for those oppressed by social injustice. For over the last five years, Black women alone have been the fastest group of entrepreneurs, and studies show according to the National Association of Education Statistics, black women are the most educated segment within the U.S. population. 

Our goal is to educate and encourage people of color to brand their talents into a lucrative business that creates generational wealth while nurturing their communities. Dismantling symptomatic racism starts by circulating Black wealth back into communities of color.  

How we start circulating our capital:

By adequately educating participants on business structure, financial literacy, real estate, and personal growth, we can stimulate communities affected by social tactics of oppression. We can turn those same communities into thriving economic franchises owned by minorities, including digital currency and digital real estate opportunities available to those in coding and tech. 

How the program works: 

Participants receive business development mentorship by O.M.A Black National Committee. Before being partnered with a sponsor, individuals must complete several steps. The program’s time frame is anywhere between six to twelve weeks, depending on the mentees’ availability.  

Step 1: Business Structure 

For all participants will be mentored through; 

  • Creating a detailed business plan, 

  • registering and be recognized by their state as an (LLC, Corp, Sole and/or nonprofit),

  •  logo, 

  • website, 

  • business relationships, 

  • clientele,

  •  proposal templates, 

  • agreement templates, 

  • contract templates, and 

  • social media accounts

  • advertising support

Once the brand is ready for beta trials, participants are placed into our molding a boss program.

Step 2: Having a Boss Like Mentality

The program teaches individuals the art of pivoting while polishing their brand's objective through a test trial period. Data will be collected using a think tanks method, feedback, and sales.  

Step 3: Master Your Pitch For Any Situation 

Most people's businesses fail because founders don’t know how to effectively pitch to clients, investors, banks, or the community they are trying to serve. We want to make sure participants have the ability to;

  •  close 90% of their deals with clients,

  •  have the ability to have a 100% return rate with all investors, and

  •  a high percentage of support from the minority community.   

Step 4: The Art of The Deal

Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their business in a shark tank form to potential sponsors, clients, and investors. 

 Benefits for Mentees

The Black Wall st. Mentorship programs make the entrepreneurial process easier, more cost effective and individuals are able to turn their passion into a business instead of a hobby or charitable service.

 Benefits for Sponsor  

One of the values in our program is the relationship we create with Black philanthropists, investors and other allies ready to invest in Black-owned businesses.

The benefits for our sponsors; 

  • Tax initiative 

  • Percentage of the business, and

  • Return on Investment 

If you would like to join our team of amazing philanthropist and angel investors please call Jestina Weems at (603)935-0739 or Weems her directly at

For mentorship contact us today.


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